A New Way of Living 

A New Way of Living 


About us page

Mukesh Gupta is an international speaker and facilitator of transformative self-inquiry, dialogue and retreats worldwide, rooted in over twenty-five years of meditative exploration. Drawing inspiration from J. Krishnamurti, Buddha, and non-dual teachings, Mukesh is dedicated to exploring how we might dissolve psychological separation, duality, and suffering within human consciousness. His unique "Meditative & Transformative Self-Inquiry" approach invites a non-reactive compassionate presence that fosters direct insight and inner transformation.

In Mukesh’s gatherings, self-inquiry is not an intellectual process but a quiet, compassionate dialogue—a shared journey in which words and presence arise from a place of deep compassionate listening. This gentle exploration helps reveal one’s true nature and brings about peace, joy, and harmony in our relationships and communities.

Mukesh, a lifelong traveler, has shared over 300 talks, retreats, and workshops worldwide. For two decades, he was associated with the Krishnamurti Retreat Centre in Varanasi, India, where he researched and translated Krishnamurti’s works. Holding a Master’s in Indian and Western Philosophy, Mukesh considers himself not as a spiritual authority, but only a deep friend, a fellow traveller in this vast unfathomable universe...

Mukesh is usually traveling throughout the year but he returns to Varanasi in North of India for brief periods and loves to sit quietly along the sacred Gange.

"What we truly need is an awake, peaceful mind and a heart filled with unconditional love, joy, and wonder." - Mukesh

Global Partners/Community of Fellow Travellers

Ann Engels, Belgium

Deep transformation coach, mentor, facilitator, and musician Ann Engels first joined the activities of ‘School for Meditative & Transformative Self-Inquiry’ in 2020, already being seriously inspired by J. Krishnamurti and other wise human beings. The retreats and workshops brought the inner work of self-knowledge to a deeper level from the very first meeting. The authentic presence, talks and silences of Mukesh Gupta directly passed on the compassionate flame of transformative energy, beyond any words. Ann holds an ICF certified diploma in Transformational Coaching, (Animas UK) as well as diplomas and certificates in Existential Counseling, Existential Coaching, Group Coaching and Facilitating, meditation and music She works with therapists, coaches, doctors, artists, leaders, students, parents worldwide and in a natural way the flame of transformative energy is being passed. During retreats Ann gently offers existential questions, silence, insights and music in a creative way to open the heart and to deeply connect with one’s true essence. Deep listening, presence, self-knowledge and understanding the human conditioning are the pillars in her coaching and mentoring work.

Ann's website: caramuse.be/nl/home/deep-transformation-coaching/

Anita Burkhart-Röser, Germany

Yoga has accompanied her life for 30 years. She is a certified Yoga Teacher Trainer since 2009. In 1991 she began to teach in the tradition of Shri Krishnamacharya and R.Sriram. The training to become a yoga teacher included several years of study at the R. Sriram yoga school, followed by individual lessons and supervision, which continue to this day. A special focus was the design of the lessons by adapting the yoga to the individual. The further education and examination of the philosophy of Patanjali's Yogasutra deepened her yoga path and meditation. She draws inspiration from all deep teachings including Upanishads, Buddha, J, Krishnamurti, Hermann Hesse and Kabir. She has been hosting the retreats with Mukesh Gupta for the last one decade.
Anita can be contacted: [email protected] 

Joost De Wulf, Belgium

Training with the Japanese sword, I am a student of life, learning and acting in the moment, discovering who I am, how simply living together, meeting the daily challenges and finding a way of living from our deep common human ground, smoothly moving and dancing together, body, heart and mind balanced are all a great treasure. In doing so we might discover a new way of living that is nourishing rather than destroying, connecting rather than isolating and harmonising rather than conflicting. Profoundly inspired by Eastern Culture &Traditions, found out that the body is the door to all aspects of our being, even in simple daily things like just sitting, standing, slow walking or simply breathing in nature. The daily walks in the woods around Bruges where I live are my daily meditation.

Website: www.dojo.be

Shakti Simone Lehner, Germany

Shakti is the founder and director of Yoga Vidya Speyer and is teaching yoga teacher trainings in Germany, India and the USA since 2001.As a physiologist and holistic health practitioner, she has always been inspired to link science and spiritual practices. Her own experience of a thyroid illness as well as many women with infertility or menopausal issues coming to her classes, lead her to the study of hormone yoga therapy. She has been teaching Hormone Yoga Courses and Teacher Trainings with growing enthusiasm in Yoga schools worldwide ever since.

Hormone Yoga Training Online by Shakti:

Hormone Yoga Training Online is for Yoga Teachers, physical therapists, doulas, menopause coaches and other body- or healthworkers who are interested in learning a combination of specific Hatha and Kundalini Yoga exercises combined with special pranayamas (breath work), prana channeling techniques and anti-stress exercises, to support and heal the glandular system. Both men and women increasingly suffer from imbalances in the endocrine system due to stress and the high demands of everyday life. This Hormone Yoga Therapy course empowers you with techniques and practices to balance hormones naturally without the need for Hormone Replacement Therapy. Find out more: www.hormoneyogatraining.com

Bruno Guillon, France

Bruno Guillon has extensive skills in coaching and crisis management. His path has led him to acquire solid interpersonal skills in difficult and complex contexts through large and multi-cultural teams. He is a graduate of an engineering school and holds a master's degree in quantum physics. He has more than 35 years of business experience in various professions such as marketing, R&D, consulting and sales with extensive international management experience. He is now cultivating harmony and inner balance to develop peaceful relationships thru the world. He also is deeply interested by Krishnamurti teachings. He is a skilled coach, a practitioner of Erickson hypnosis and systemic brief therapy, an MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) instructor. He has also been practicing Qi Qong and Yoga for many years. He teaches mindfulness and various behavioural techniques to individuals and groups. 

Contact & website: www.lamaison58.com/en

Martine Gernez, France

Enthusiasm and pragmatism are certainly the words that define best Martine Gernez. Thru an engineering diploma, her professional career began with 8 year of consulting in international telecommunications, followed by 30 years of management within the largest European companies. Always with the idea to make people cope with common objectives whatever their cultures or their countries. . With her husband, she adopted 2 wonderful children coming from Ethiopia. She is now retired and president of a non governmental organization, HAMAP-HUMANITAIRE. This NGO acts mainly in providing access to water to the different parts of the world that are in need. It also focuses its activities on demining formerly targeted areas, for safety of the populations going back home after war. Human values being dear to her, she has paved her own way around states of being, with various experiences in personal development. That included non violent communication, science of happiness (Berkeley university), expansion of consciousness… Now she focusses her research around deeper teachings of inspiring people such as Ramana Maharshi or Jiddu Krishnamurti. "Building the humanity has to do with being in deep inner silence, alone and with the others, like one…"  

Contact & website: www.lamaison58.com/en

Susanne van Kimmenade, Israel

Being born in Germany and raised as a Christian I came in the beginning of my forties to live with my Jewish partner and our son in Israel/ Palestine. Here in this land of conflict I have been engaged in setting up an Intercultural Network in the Galilee and later a Buddhist retreat centre called “Meshiv Nefesh'' -which  means a “Home for the soul”  mnclil.com
I love our simple life as a “Sangha” - community of spiritual friends. We learn from each other and come to heal and grow in our relationships within the community, with nature and the diverse cultures around. The centre is open throughout the year and gives refuge to whoever needs some quietness and wants to go deeper. Visitors find inspiration and often transforming experience for their life by meeting such a different kind of culture of mutual respect and shared search for more wholesome ways of living. It's encouraging to see how also a small project can have a transforming impact and make ripples into the world. Mukesh has been coming here to hold retreats for more than a decade. From the beginning I was touched by his quiet and loving presence and found in him an inspiring teacher and real soul friend. 
Currently I facilitate groups and offer guidance based on what I would call a: Holistic Open Dharma Approach. I feel happy and fully alive when passing on generously what I myself received and found most helpful, healing and liberating over the last three decades: The depth of Buddhists teachings as it resonates with my heart wisdom and the tools of many approaches which I have been trained in and integrated in my way of relating to experiences as there are:  “Sensory Awareness”, “Deep Process Work”, “Focusing” ,”MBSR”, Trauma Healing, “Art of Hosting” and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). I feel blessed on an ongoing journey of  learning and wonder and I am curious to see how life unfolds! You are welcome to connect!

Email: [email protected] 

Bernard Pulfer, Switzerland

Formateur pour animateurs pour enfants et jeunes dans une approche holistique (depuis 1990 avec l’organisation youthwork int.) Fondateur du centre de ressourcement Riversong, fondateur de l’association le Chant de la Rivière (santé mentale pour les 15-25 ans), conférencier international, anime des journées pédagogiques dans les écoles, des team buildings pour des classes adultes,Thérapeute selon l’approche des 3 ordres de la santé, spécialisé dans la question du poids du passé comme entrave dans sa vie relationnelle, spirituelle et créative. Ainsi qu’au soutien des victimes du phénomène bouc émissaire. Mon propos est de s’inspirer de l’eau pour ne jamais être bloqué !

Trainer for youth leaders for children and teenagers in a holistic approach (since 1990 with the youthwork int. organisation). Founder of the Riversong healing centre, founder of the association le Chant de la Rivière (mental health for 15-25 year olds), international speaker, runs educational days in schools, team buildings for adult classes. Therapist according to the 3 orders of health approach, specialised in the question of the weight of the past as a hindrance in one's relational, spiritual and creative life. I also support victims of the scapegoat phenomenon. My point is to be inspired by water so as never to be blocked!
Contact & website: riversong.ch/en

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School For Self Inquiry