Inner Stillness & Compassionate Presence

Inner Stillness & Compassionate Presence


School for Self-Inquiry: Inspired by J. Krishnamurti

An initiative to learn together what it means to be a conscious and compassionate human being in these critical times...

The root meaning of the word "school" in Greek is "leisure". Deep learning - which is not memorizing - and transformation happens when mind is at peace, when it has space and freedom to "be", to look and listen with ease - without this burden or impatience to arrive at an ideal-imaginary goal. The beginning of self-inquiry and transformation is the clear perception of the present reality or 'what is' from a quiet, non-judgmental and non-reactive mind. The deep intention of the School for Self-Inquiry is to facilitate a journey of transformation through discovering the fundamental nature and essence of one's being in this living moment. It is essentially meant for:

  • Learning about oneself, about the wholeness, the beauty and the sacredness of life.
  • Seeing and unlearning what is false, illusory and non-essential and unburdening or emptying oneself of all self-created illusions and sorrows through direct perception of "what is" in this living moment.
  • Awakening an intelligence beyond thought, wisdom of a still-compassionate mind which is inherent in each one of us.

The School has no boundaries. It is a dynamic-moving forum of fellow-seekers around the world who are deeply interested in exploring fundamental questions of life and human consciousness. The basic spirit of the School is to come together in an affectionate, trusting, leisurely and meditative space so that there is a natural opening up of fundamental problems that confront our daily living and work. In order to participate in this self-inquiry process we do not require a huge amount of knowledge of any teaching or philosophy; what we need is a simple heart and mind which is open to listening, inquiring and learning, and not seeking any preconceived specific results. The challenge for all of us is to come together as beginners and fellow-travellers.

The "School For Self Inquiry" offers meditative and transformative retreats, seminars, talks, dialogues and one-to-one sessions and coaching around the globe with the primary intention of:

1. Facilitating an inner shift from fear-based mechanical living to compassionate presence.

2. Exploring if there is peace, love or happiness which does not depend on any condition.  

3. Uncovering one's true essence while staying together in the field of compassionate attention and love rather than in the field of mechanical-repetitive patterns.

4. Awakening a deeper intelligence of life which is hidden inside each one of us so that life can be lived with fullness, joy, beauty and harmony.

"Transformation is not in the future, can never be in the future. It can only be now, from moment to moment...Seeing the false as the false and the true as the true is transformation, because when you see something very clearly as the truth, that truth liberates." - J. Krishnamurti, The First and Last Freedom

"We are like two friends sitting in the park on a lovely day talking about life, talking about our problems, investigating the very nature of our existence, and asking ourselves seriously why life has become such a great problem..."                     - J. Krishnamurti, The Network of Thought​

School for Self-Inquiry: An open space to learn about the wholeness, the beauty, the joy and the sacredness of life. A journey of self-exploration inspired by the insights of J. Krishnamurti.
School For Self Inquiry